Tuesday, 1 November 2016
I have spent my first few days in
But, time marches on, and in the year 1000 the Church of St. Bartholomew replaced the temple, and has held his relics since 1108, located in an ancient porphyry bathtub under the alter. The similarly dated marble well head has he figures of Jesus, St. B., Adalbert nd Otto III.
The Romans also had a temple on the island to Faunus, who protected women in childbirth, and to this day there is a maternity hospital there.
The bridge to the island dates back to the year 56, although it has had some restorations. Pope Sixtus V had four achitects work on it, but being displeased with both their work and their lifestyle, had them beheaded. Four marble busts adorn the bridge to commemorate...or warn others..
The island has lots more tales to tell. It was often used as a prison, and Veronica informs me that the daughter of ...oops I’ve forgotten....a Roman of some importance, was imprisoned here. (She can clarify in the comments!)
In the early 1500s a wealthy banker built an
elaborate palace along the
So those are some of the tales from the
Photos: October 29
Photos: November 02
Thursday, 3 November 2016
This church began as a house church founded by
Pope Callixtus I in 217.
The basic floor plan and wall structure date to 340 and it is
thought by many to be the first Christian church in
Much of today’s structure dates from the mid 1100s and the absolutely stunning mosaics are from the late 1200s. The gold is so abundant, and so beautiful that much of the interior truly glows. It is a wonder to see.
On a lighter note...I love the sheep! Can anyone explain to me the sheep in the middle with the halo? I know about Jesus being a shepherd of sorts but...?
I am not sure about the dating of the two painting in front of the altar...one of Mary and child and the other Jesus. They look very early both from the style, and how dark both are.
The exterior wall is embedded with ancient artifacts...tombs, pieces of sarcophagus etc. I found them really interesting....hope you do too!
Friday, 4 November 2016
The Pantheon
The walls of the domed roof, made of limestone and pumice are six feet thick at the top of the walls and thin to two feet, as they rise to the 9 metre circular opening at the top. The mixture had a greater percentage of pumice the higher it went, to make it lighter.
In 609 the temple was turned into a Christian church after Christians complained that demons plagued them as they passed. Legend holds, that, on the day that it was first opened as a church five demons, representing the old pagan gods flew out of the building as the priests came in. A sixth, apparently flew thru the roof, destroying the huge gold pinecone ornament that covered the hole in the roof. There is still a square close by where it was supposedly deposited, known as Pinecone Sq...but in Italian !
In ancient times people believed that rain did not enter the Pantheon, even tho there is a 9 metre opening in the roof. The explanation is, that because there were so many candles burning allthe time, the heat craeted, and rising evaporated the rain before it touched the floor! In reality, there are 22 small holes in the slightly concave floor to deal with the rain.
This was an astounding building to see..it was wonderful, in the literal sense of the word. There are pictures..
Photos: November 03
Photos: November 04
Photos: November 08
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Castel Sant Angelo or Castle of the Holy Angel
Hadrian was Emperor from 117 to 138. Castel San Angelo was originally planned as a mausoleum for Hadrian and his family. The building began is 134 and his ashes were interred there after his death in 138, as were his wife’s, and succeeding Emperors ‘til the year 217.
They did not, unfortunately, rest in peace for
although the castle was converted to a military fortress in 401 the
urns and ashes were scattered by Visigoth looters during the sack of
According to legend, the Archangel Michael appeared at the top of the castle sheathing his sword, as a sign of the end of the plague in 590. Prior to that time it was known as Hadrian’s Tomb....I guess if you can end the plague, the least people can do is name a castle after you!!
The castle/fortress is very close to
I was lucky to have visited on a really lovely day, and I enjoyed lunch and a glass of wine at the cafe situated along the castle walls with a fabulous view. There are pictures...
Photos: November 10
Photos: November 10
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Musei Capitolini ... or...the Museum on Capitol Hill
Established in 1471 by Pope Sixtus IV the
museum has grown to be one of the most extensive and important
museums in
There are tapestries from the 1700s, pottery
dating from 450 B.C. and the restructuring of a 6th century B.C
It was all wonderful, but on my * Highlights* list...
The Head and hand of the colossal statue of
The statue of Marcus Aurelius on horseback 176 AD
The 5th century B.C.
She Wolf, so strongly associated with the legend of the
founding of
The charming 1st century Boy with a Thorn in his Foot
The Chariot from the 300s
The Bronze statue of a Horse dates from the mid
5th century B.C., and is Greek.
It was brought from
There is a fresco of
Also from that period: a graphic statue of a lion attacking a horse.
The violet veined marble statue from the 1st century depicts Silenos, who challenged Apollo to a musical contest...and for that giant misstep is condemned to be flayed alive. It is a copy of a 2nd century B.C. Greek original. The purple tinged marble is really effective in conveying the subject’s pain.
There is a lovely 2nd century mosaic of a bath scene, and two of attacking tigers.
A series of panels from the mid to late 1300s show religious scenes
In one of the courtyards there is a very impressive fountain with a 20 ft. reclining
Ocean, the god of the worlds waters, which dates from the 2nd or 3rd century.
The museum occupies two, of the three buildings that border the square...the Piazzo de Campidoglio, which was designed by Michelangelo...that guy certainly got around! Hope he got paid!
The east part of the piazza overlooks the Roman ruins...the Forum, and in the background you can see the Coliseum.
Lots of pictures posted...
I am so, so-so, THRILLED to say, that Veronica
is booked to join me in
It is going to be an incredible 17 days !!!!!!!
Photos: November 20
Sunday, 20 November 2016
The Trevi Fountain and the Archeological Dig Around & Under It.
The Trevi Fountain was completed in 1751,
almost 100 years after it was begun by Bernini.
It is as beautiful as it is famous, with
A block or so away, down a tiny side street there is a wonderful archeological dig showing stratifications from the time of Nero (54-68) ,the construction of the Aqua Virgo during the age of Hadrian (123 AD), the Imperial Age, a 5th century luxury condo, and the Sack of Rome by the Goths in 537.
Part of the dig, shows the water reservoir built in Hadrian’s time with the reinforced walls to balance the water pressure,. It was abandoned after the closing of the Aqueducts by the Goths.
Many of the finds from the excavation are displayed, including parts of sarcophagus from the 1st and second century, 4th century terra cotta containers used to hold wine or olive oil for trading with North Africa, and an extraordinary hoard of 873 coins some dating back to 54 AD, others from 293, 306, 425, and 453.
There was also a map of the
This is one of those great, * I just stumbled across it* places. I think there were four other people there all during my visit. The Trevi Fountain is lovely. but under the Trevi Fountain is much more interesting!! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, 27 November 2016
A Pyramid, A Gatehouse, A Prison and The Mouth of Truth
Who knew there is a pyramid in
The Gatehouse if now a little museum and I really enjoyed my visit there, and the wonderful view..including the pyramid next door!
The Mamertine Prison dates back to the 7th century BC and is available to tour due to an archeological dig under the Church of San Giuseppe del Falegnami. A mid 2nd century BC room has a circular opening in the floor where the prisoners were pushed into an underground chamber...all very grim. According to later Christian legend St. Peter was held prisoner here.
The prison museum had some really extraordinary high tech aides. Where the display of pottery and glass shards found during the dig were displayed, you could use the touch screen to see a view of the original object....which was very cool.
That 2nd century chamber later became part of a church and has some 8th century wall frescoes....or the remains of them. By holding the *guide tablet* up to the frescoe, you can see an outline of how the original would have looked. The very kind staff member there held the tablet up so that I could take a picture of it over her shoulder.
Finally....The Mouth of Truth....For anyone who
is not familiar with the wonderful movie Roman Holiday, starring
Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn (her first movie)....shame on you.
As part of a fabulous, hectic day, seeing
Needless to say, I am typing this with two hands, as my heart is pure!
There are lots of pictures....the one of the projected image of the clay pot is upside down. .sorry...
Friday, 2 December 2016
Ara Pacis Augustae ..His Altar to Peace
The Ara Paxis was commissioned by the Roman
Senate in 13 BC to honour the return of Augustus after his three
years in
The original setting included a sundial and obelisk arranged so that the sun streamed thru the main entrance on Augustus Birthday. It is a rectangular marble enclosure, built on a large podium, with a central open air altar, where sacrifices were carried out on his Birthday. There are numerous small openings along the floor to allow the blood and water (for the clean up), to drain.
The lower part of the exterior is decorated
with vines, and vegetation representing the abundance and prosperity
The upper part depicts the Emperor, his family and members of the regime. There are a number of children shown which is unusual for the period. This was most likely to show the strong family unit, and possibly to introduce potential heirs to the public.
This museum was really beautifully arranged. There were a row of busts of the Emperors family (wife, sister, sons etc), and the tablet guide had their stories in
** their voices **.
There was also a display showing how the monument would have actually looked at the time. It would have been brightly coloured, which is a bit of a shock to see. We are so accustomed to seeing these artifacts in stark white marble, that it is a real eye opener to see it in colour. I have included some pictures of the * colour * version.
TEN DAYS to VERONICA !!!!!!!!!
Friday, 9 December 2016
I have seen many, many churches in the last few months. St. Peters Basilica is the largest, and very impressive, but really wouldn’t make my top 10 list. Perhaps it is just not old enough for me to find interesting. Having seen incredible frescoes dating back to the 10th and 11th century....sorry St. Peter, I’m just not that into you.
Started in 1506, it replaced the old
Architects and artists including Michelangelo, Bernini, and Rafael contributed to it.
There are over 100 tombs in the grotto,
including St. Peter, who was crucified near the ancient Roman
obelisk which stands in
There is, of course, some wonderful art work, including Michelangelo’s Pieta, and a statue of St. Veronica! There are pictures
Monday, 12 December 2016
Monument to
Vittorio Emanuele II ....First King of a united
This enormous monument dominates the Piazza
Venezia, and much of
It is certainly imposing, and affords wonderful views of the surrounding area. Hope you like the pictures.
Photos: November 02: Rome
Photos: November 03: Rome
Photos: November 04: Rome
Photos: November 08: Rome
Photos: November 10: Rome
Photos: November 10: Rome
Photos: November 20: Rome
Photos: November 23: Rome
Photos: November 24: Rome
Photos: December 02: Rome
Photos: December 06: Rome